Saturday, December 6, 2008

A close to the semester

For those of you out in the real world the title of this post has no meaning what so ever. But for me and all the other students around the world - our Fall semester is coming to a close. What that means is we have what used to be called Christmas break, but what is now commonly called winter break.
There have not been any posts for quite some time. I guess I just got busy doing other things. I have learned quite a bit this first semester back. We were just learning about exercise prescription in my Exercise Physiology class - this is really interesting because it shows one how to get fit by breaking the science down into an understandable process. This class also had a great lab - we would put people (us) on treadmills and measure Heart Rate, Blood Pressure..., we did skin fold thickness tests, Under Water Weighing, Strength and Endurance testing, and such. Nutrition intervention for many of America's top disease killers was the focus of two of my classes. And for the purpose of research a statistics class rounds out my list of classes this semester. They (the Univesity) are letting me come back next semester so - Next semester will be similar to this one as I will be taking the second part of 3 of my classes. The two new classes for next semester include: 1)Advanced Metabolism and 2)Sports Nutrition for Collegiate and Professional Athletes <-- Now that is what I am talking about - I think that is going to be a great class.
Another up and coming goal is my life is to become a personal trainer. Over break I am going to study for and hopefully pass the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) exam. So any of you out there with your new year's resolutions waiting in the wings keep me in mind.

1 comment:

Commish said...

Dear Mr Ryan&Who,

I am what is known as a "Weekend Warrior". I play semi-competitive football, golf, basketball and do weight lift. I am in need of training table tips and hints to keep my body in peak condition for the grueling weekend. I enjoy the blog but i would like to request more "training table" tips on how to be a bad ass. I enjoyed your earlier article on cell construction and how the food you eat becomes your cells which fuel your body... great stuff. I would like more.


Private Dancer